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24 " W x 24 " H, 
60 cm W x 59 cm H
Material   Acrylic on Wood
Artist   A.H. Clemens
Painted   April 2003, 
Waiwhetu, Lower Hutt, New Zealand

This is another painting of contrasts.  It expresses powerlessness in the face of world events.

Two beautifully groomed stars arrive for the Academy Awards ceremony in Hollywood while the two other panels show a swirling fire ravaged scene of war and destruction and a grid patterned scene of slaughter.  The plain blue square in the middle does not suggest peace – rather it is a cold, impenetrable blue more suggestive of a dead end in efforts to stop the carnage.

There had been talk of abandoning the Hollywood ceremonies in protest against a recent world event.  They went ahead – as indeed they should.  But there was a strong realisation that the ceremony was trivial in comparison to other events.  Events that we all feel powerless to stop.  The world taking a step nearer to the edge.

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Last updated 03 November, 2004


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